Global Missions of Tennessee is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization comprised of concerned Christians with the Churches of Christ.
We are concerned Christians identified with the Churches of Christ. We see the tragedies, traumas, and terrors that evil brings into our world. We want to help ease the pain of these tribulations and help so those impacted by evil will have the opportunity to find an answer to their distress.
We seek to cooperate with like-minded people and bring temporary relief to those suffering from natural catastrophes of nature and the ruin of selfish governments. We seek to bring long-term relief by way of education and strengthening infrastructure that will benefit society.
Who are Churches of Christ?
The Churches of Christ are patterned after the New Testament order. This means we are not organized by a Conference, a part of a Synod, or hindered by some Ecclesiastical hierarchy. Each congregation functions in an autonomous way determining its own priorities. The Scriptures urge Christians to set their priorities in agreement with God’s priorities.
Doctrinally the Churches of Christ uphold the Scriptures as the governing rule in belief and behavior. Thus, the historic doctrines of the Bible are embraced and taught. There is no creed except a belief in Jesus Christ as the Son of God, there is no doctrine book except the Holy Bible, and there is no submission to man’s superior position as a religious ruler. Each person is urged to study the Bible and follow what the Bible teaches.
This historic motto (uttered hundreds of years ago) is true… “In matters of Doctrine, there should be unity; in matters of Opinion there should be liberty; and, in all matters, there should be a loving attitude displayed!”
When a pebble is tossed into a still lake, the initial rippling waters do not cease but are ever moving forward, touching parts that were unknown at the beginning. Our vision is like those ever-moving ripples. This goodwill continues as those we touch in turn touch others until places and faces unknown have been touched for the better.
Become an ambassador and inform others of our purpose and needs!
Collect commodities to ship—check with us at this LINK to ask about donations of commodities.
Coordinate the collection of FAMILY BUCKETS for shipments. Here is a LINK that gives the list of items for Family Buckets and Personal Hygiene Bags.
Coordinate the collection of SCHOOL KITS that are desperately needed by students. Here is a LINK that gives the list of items needed for these kits.